Energetic hygiene is about how we alchemize this human experience into a source of energy that adds health and vitality that supports us to create an amazing life with. It’s our own internal composting and gardening system. What is the current state of your inner-garden? Or, how are you finding your ability to digest your human experience?
In a world where we are constantly bombarded with energy to process, whether it be from content we (over)consume, relational dynamics, our own psychological landscape, and then coupled with a hyper-masculine system of life that values production over quality of life experience, we actually have to effort every day in order to process and clear ourselves of the accumulation of negative energy.
Having a creative outlet is a very effective practice I would add to this list!
It’s easy to turn to binging shows, over indulgence in food/substances or sexual activity, distract with social engagements or over-working. These will give temporary pleasure or relief from the weight of feeling the feels, only to subside in (a short) time to leave a person still confronted with their unprocessed energy inside. Over time, this unprocessed energy grows and festers, eventually presenting as psychological or physical illnesses, or in the least bit - a lower quality life experience (which in itself is enough reason to practice energetic hygiene).
There are band-aid solutions that offer comfort and drain life-force. There are also self-care solutions that offer comfort, treat the root, and tonify life-force.
The amount of work involved in each is the same. (Paraphrasing a quote by Don Juan in Carlos Casteneda))
The band-aid solutions fade away, keeping a person perpetually grasping and furthering depletion.
The self-care solutions offer so much support and benefits, I’m not able to even speak to them all in this post. It’s truly infinitely beautiful, inspiring, nourishing, supportive, healthy, creative, restorative, healing, empowering, abundant, stable, safe, secure.
The trick to creating healthier patterns - in each moment when you’re making a choice, pay attention to that very quiet whisper inside, that’s telling you the healthy option to choose. Its voice is so soft, it’s easy to miss or dismiss.
This is the voice you should be aligning your choices with. This is the voice of your inner guidance system, your intuition. In every choice you make, every day, you have an opportunity to strengthen your connection to this inner voice. Naturally, at the beginning, you may feel resistant to following its guidance. In time, the choosing becomes 2nd nature.
Note of caution - it is very easy to dismiss the soft quiet whisper of a newly developing intuition. Especially, because while it’s speaking, the under-developed ego self, the part of ourselves we have yet to master and is highly invested in creating choices, patterns, and outcomes that are familiar (and likely not working anymore), will be “the loudest voice in the room.” It’s also masterful at offering 20 different arguments for why we should do the thing we know we shouldn’t do, and it will have multiple ways of pitching them. The voice of the intuition has one thing to say, and it does so simply and on repetition.
Commit to at least 3 weeks of one new pattern of self-care in place of an old out-dated pattern of numbing out or distractions. Simply experiment and see.
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Thank you for your time, and be well,
Kelley Mountain
You can find more about me, my work on my website, Goddess Modern
IG @goddess.modern and YouTube at Goddess Modern