Women Healing Heals Men
Generational and cultural healing through the relationship to a man's first love - his mother.
Mothers who know their worth and make choices that show it
Mothers who can set and maintain heathy boundaries
Mothers who command respect
Mothers who own their position of authority
Mothers who have healthy relationships to their resources
Mothers who have healthy relationships to their partners
Mothers who know that healthy discipline is a great act of love
Mothers who initiate their sons into earning freedom and power
Mothers who teach their sons about action and consequence
Mothers who teach their sons about respecting women
Mothers who teach their sons about gratitude for what women give
Mothers who teach their sons about emotional wellness
Mothers who make their sons earn rewards
Mothers who teach how to offer an effective apology
Mothers who let their sons fail and figure it out
Mothers who teach their sons how to cultivate self-worth
Mothers who teach their sons healthy relationships to their environment
Mothers who hold their sons to expectations that are both high and attainable
The mother is the son’s first love. The patterns he learns from her is what he will most likely take out into the world and play out on the women around him.
This is not about blaming, judging, guilting, or shaming mothers. To my knowledge, in all of our recorded history, mothers have never collectively and culturally had what they truly need in order to show up for such an immense responsibility. We have a history of uncared for mothers, and it’s affect on the state of men in our world has created a feedback loop that has plagued humanity for as far back as we can see.
This is about women more fully owning their power and responsibility. In order to be powerful we must reclaim power. In order to reclaim power we must see where we have (consciously or unconsciously) given it away. To be responsible means that we fully own the giving away of our power. To fully own where we have given away our power is when we are ready to make different choices that align us to our optimal desired outcomes, and it disrobes us from the disempowering cloak of victimization.
This is about women healing the inherited legacies of self-sabbotage, by alchemizing victimization, disempowerment, and denial into personal responsibility and integrity.
Clearly, this weight of the world is not solely on the shoulders of mothers and women. Fathers and men have plenty of their own contributions and work to do on themselves. My point, is mainly to highlight that we women have an essential role to play here that is fully ours to do. My invitation/request/plea/prayer, is for all of us to do what we feel that is for ourselves, that truly puts us in right relation to ourselves in relationship with men.
The natural order is that healthy healed empowered women will guide the men of this world how women need, deserve, desire to be loved and cared for. It is through showing them the healthy examples of how we women love and respect ourselves.
We are collectively rewriting the story of women, and that is what will transform the story of men.
Thank you for your time with my content, I hope it’s a positive source of energy for you and this world in some way!
Kelley Mountain, Goddess Modern